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The Favorite Products of Beauty Experts: Dr. Tanya Kormeili’s Picks for Perfect Skin

Dr. Tanya Kormeili's Picks for Perfect Skin

1. Neutrogena make up remover cleansing towelettes – gentle and yet powerful at removing make up; so soft and smells amazingly fresh

2. Elta MD Tinted Sunscreen: Tinted so it matches my skin tone, water resistant, oil free and has zinc and titanium – no chemicals – SPF41; doesn’t cause acne and prevents against melasma!

3. Celfix DNA Ceramide Renewal Cream: It has 3 active DNA repair enzymes that actually fight DNA damage in the skin; feels great on and is not irritating to sensitive skin

4. Relastin Eye Silk: A zinc firming complex, this builds elastin in the skin (everything is always about collagen) which is also important in the firming and elasiticity of the skin.

5. Revision Skin Care Intellishade SPF-45: A moisturizer, make up (actually matches all skin tones) and great SPF all in one. This is especially good if you need make up for the camera such as outdoor videos/photos.

6. Johnson and Johnson’s Purpose Wash: So gentle it won’t burn the eyes. Even when I need to take off my artistically applied collection of eyeshadows, liner and mascara.

7. CeraVe Moisturizer: So hydrating and soothing; contains natural ceramide lipids that our skin needs to rehydrate.

8. Neutrogena Revitalizing Lip Balm: It is a great lip balm with SPF and nice colors! It has an amazing smell and texture and protects against skin cancer on the lips (which is far more dangerous than on the rest of the skin).

9. Skin Medica Dermal Repair: Very hydrating, very elegant; great clean scent and does not cause acne; anti-oxidant protection

10. Atralin Cream: A prescription Vit A cream that helps build collagen, exfoliate gently, and minimize wrinkles, while hydrating the skin and improving cell turn over

Dr. Tanya Kormeili is a board certified dermatologist in Los Angeles, where she an Assistant Clinical Professor in Dermatology David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, as well as Cedars- Sinai Medical Center. She has written book chapters, authored studies in prestigious journals such as JAAD and Cutis, and she’s even been featured on The Doctors!

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I’m a doctor, a mommy and a bit of a beauty addict. If you let me, I can take 2 hours to get ready in the morning. Really. I'm on a quest for faster beauty that works!

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  1. 4.18.12
    Anonymous said:

    For those of us striving for perfect skin, she's created a list of products that will be quickly sold out. Who better to receive beauty advice from than a dermatologist? Thanks for real!


  2. 4.19.12
    Dlori said:

    I have tried most of the skincare brands listed above and they all are wonderful in different ways. However, you must add Immupure to your list. I have been using Immupure products, which consist of 5 products and are moderately priced compared to the other brands listed, for about 9 months and the transformation of my skin has been nothing less than extraordinary. This product uses Costrum and within a week after first using it, my fine lines had disappeared and my skin was getting firmer, with increased elasticity. These products are truly the fountain of youth and I highly recommend that you check them out. They can be purchased at Henri Bendels or on their website, which is http://www.Immupure.com

    Thanks much

    kleimanlaw at aol dot com